-DSAT Tec Deep Diver: • Qualifies divers to make gas switch extended no-stop dives, decompression stop dives and accelerated decompression dives to 165 feet. • Train divers in the motor skills required for technical diving • Provide the foundational skill for further training in technical diving
-DSAT Tec Trimix Diver: • Qualify divers to make dives to 245 fsw using various trimix blends, air, enriched air and oxygen on open circuit technical diving equipment • Assure student acknowledges and understands the hazard and risks of technical diving in general and trimix diving in particular • Train student in the cognitive and motor skills required for technical trimix diving
-DSAT Gas Blender: • Blend enriched air and/or helium blends including trimix within one percent of the target mix, following safety protocols and standards • Explain the potential hazards related to handling oxygen, and how to manage those hazards • Explain and/or demonstrate the steps for oxygen cleaning equipment such as cylinders, regulators, partial pressure blending systems, etc.